Für Bands Rent the Rockhouse Werbepartner & Kooperation Presse



Cone (GER)
Beesus (IT)

Fr, 01.11.2019, 20:00 UHR,
VA: Rockhouse-Bar



Don't try to label Nightstalker, it only makes them mad. Over the years they've been saddled with every label under the sun. In the 90's it was grunge. After that it was Stoner Rock. And never try to call them a Greek Rock act. They play Rock music plain and simple and have been doing so to rave reviews for the past two decades. In a world full of bands that fracture at the first hint of a bad review, that splinter off into side projects and sub bands Nightstalker are what their new album professes, "Dead Rock Commandos."Formed in Greece, in late 1989, by singer (and at the time drummer) Argy and made truly stable with the addition of bassist Andreas in 1992, Nightstalker managed to meld their heavy rock influences with funky rhythms and grungy melodies to create a whole new beast. With all these elements in place they released the first EP in 1994 entitled "SideFx." With the release of their first full length album "USE" in 1996, the band established themselves and their own trademark brand of dark heavy sounds. 2000 saw a slight shuffle in membership as well as a new EP, "The Ritual," which found Nightstalker treading further in to the realms of deepest, darkest Psychedelica. Line-up fully entrentched the ensuing pair of albums, 2004's "Just A Burn" and 2009's "Superfreak" garnered the band a new and loyal following across the world.Which sets the stage for their newest dark masterpiece, "Dead Rock Commandos." Another albums worth of raw rock 'n roll simplicity, filled with stunning riffs and electric haze. More heavy sounds, groovy rhythms and intense bass playing all merging with the power of Argy’s vocals, which is the secret to the music of Nightstalker that has kept the band going for more than 20 years and made them one of the most important bands in the history of the European Hard Rock scene. Call it whatever you want, but do so at your own risk.




Während Wellen purer Energie auf dich treffen, erwartet dich im nächsten Moment die Erlösung in melodischem Geflüster - das ist Cone.Gefangen in der Unendlichkeit erwacht Morgana nach tausenden von Jahren trostlos als Seefahrerin in der einsamen Stille der Wüste. In früheren Leben befehligte sie als Herrscherin Paläste, spaltete als Unheil alte Völker und vereinte als das Gute getrennte Welten. Sie war alles und jeder in unserer Vergangenheit, doch erfuhr seit jeher keine Erlösung. Qualvoll kämpft sie sich nun der Sonne entgegen.Das zweite Konzept-Album der Passauer Rock-Band CONE ist komplett der tragischen und unendlichen Geschichte der fiktiven Gestalt 'Morgana' gewidmet. Stoner- und Bluesrock Einflüsse kombiniert mit melodischem Geflüster und einer gehörigen Stimmgewalt sind auch hier wieder tief in der Musik verwurzelt. Als Auftakt zum kommenden Album veröffentlichen die vier Passauer Musiker Ende November 2017 ihren aktuellsten Song 'Steps Towards The Sun' und ihr erstes professionelles Musikvideo.Durch Live-Auftritte und andere nicht kommerzielle Veranstaltungen unterstützt die Band außerdem aktiv Kultur-Projekte in der Region. CONE will so das Publikum dazu bewegen, Musik wieder als Lebensgefühl wahrzunehmen und zu leben. Ausverkaufte Veranstaltungen, etliche Artikel in der Presse, ein ausverkauftes erstes Album und die besondere Unterstützung vieler Fans bestätigen die Band in ihrer bisherigen Existenz.

We're Cone.




BEESUS are a four piece rock band from Rome-Italy.Born and raised in the Eternal City, their music swims through underground genres such as garage, lo-fi, grunge, stoner, doom and psychedelia.Their activity starts in 2010.After a two years stop between 2012 and 2014 they rejoin in 2015 and release the debut album “The Rise of Beesus”, self produced and out for New Sonic Records and Goodfellas.In January 2016 starts “The Rise of Beesus European Tour” which leads the band to play sixtyfive shows across nine countries (Switzerland, France, Spain, Belgium, Holland, Denmark, Germany, Austria and Italy) and also gives them the chance to play the fabulous Duna Jam.Everything is self-organized and after the second leg of the tour (Rome-Berlin-Copenhagen-Hamburg-Rome, done with a 2003 Fiat Panda) Noisey Italy notices them and publishes an entire interview online.Many other fanzines and webzines appreciate the sound and the attitude of the band, but the real strength of Beesus is the live set: energetic, loud, sweat and fun.The band also shared the stage with artists like: Ufomammut, The Myrrors, 1000MODS, Arabrot, Mars Red Sky, MoRkObOt, La Quiete, Black Rainbows... and many others

